Rebecca Tai Andersen


Rebecca has over 20 years’ experience in dispute resolution for all sectors including construction, engineering, commodities trading (oil, gas, LNG), oil terminal, international shipping, Technology, e-commerce, energy, real estate, software, licensing, data protection, intellectual property, with more in-depth experience on the energy value chain of upstream (E &P and EPCIC) midstream (storage & logistic) and downstream. Rebecca also has advised extensively in cross-border joint venture, mergers & acquisitions in all business sectors.

Rebecca spent her first 6 years as law practitioner in leading law firms (including Ernst & Young Law) and subsequent to that until at present, she has since been holding senior management legal roles in her career in both domestic and international public companies, including SapuraKencana Petroleum Berhad, Rongsheng Offshore & Marine Pte. Ltd., Ezion Holdings Ltd., Brightoil Petroleum Holdings Ltd., Xilinx Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. and most recently as Group General Counsel in YuuZoo Networks Group Corporation, each respectively listed in Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, Singapore and the United States of America.

During Rebecca’s 20 years of work experience as both legal practitioner and senior legal and management roles, she has managed and worked in numerous arbitrations matters including arbitration proceedings under SIAC, SCMA, KLRCA, LMAA, UNCITRAL and ICC rules involving European, American, Asian and PRC parties in matters relating to disputes of commodity (oil & gas) trading logistics, bidding of oil projects, IT services, employment, shipping demurrage, quantity & quality of oil delivered. She has recently, in year 2018, been re-appointed by two (2) Honourable Singapore Judges to sit in two (2) important committees in Singapore, to contribute to the said committees based on her vast experience and knowledge. They are The Honourable Justice Vinodh Coomaraswamy and The Honourable Justice Chua Lee Ming.