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HomeArticlesAsia well on its way towards establishing an International Arbitration Culture, according...

Asia well on its way towards establishing an International Arbitration Culture, according to Hong Kong’s Secretary for Justice, Mr Rimsky Yuen SC JP

The 2nd annual Hong Kong Arbitration Week (October 21 – 24) got off to an excellent start with a thoughtful and considered speech from the Secretary for Justice for Hong Kong, Mr Rimsky Yuen SC JP (pictured).

Mr Yuen explored what it means for Asia to have a culture of International Arbitration and the challenges that that entails in relation to the diversities across Asia, with differing legal systems and cultures. He noted that, while it may be too early to talk about an ‘Asian International Arbitration Culture,’ the region was moving fast in that positive direction. This is especially important, he noted, as the Asia-Pacific is the top target for international investors and China the most favoured destination within Asia: the importance of International Arbitration as a form of access to justice is both important now and crucial for both Asian and global development.

While only in its second year, Hong Kong Arbitration Week provides a useful platform for the region to develop such an International Arbitration Culture, attracting over 350 delegates, with almost seventy percent of participants coming from outside of Hong Kong.

We look forward to the 3rd annual Hong Kong Arbitration Week next year (tentative dates being the week beginning Monday October 13th, 2014).