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HomeLatest UpdatesDetermining dominant position in the cinema industry

Determining dominant position in the cinema industry

Chloe Lin

By Chloe Lin of Martin Hu & Partners

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Award-winning Chinese movie director Feng Xiaogang hit the headlines recently when he got into an online flame war with Wang Sicong, whose father owns Wanda Cinema. Feng argued that his latest film, I am not Madame Bovary, suffered after Wanda gave it only a limited release. He complained that this was an abuse of Wanda’s dominant position in the film-projection industry.

How would we assess this accusation in the context of Chinese anti-trust law? Needless to say, Wanda Cinema can only abuse its position in the film-projection industry if it is actually dominant within that industry. To determine this, the first step is to identify the relevant market for the film-projection industry. As with other service industries, the market for film projection may be divided into services and geography.

All cinemas provide the same projection services, which is to display films for an audience. However, cinemas are different in terms of features, focus and prices of their services, in addition to their different sizes. Firstly, cinemas can be classified into multiplex cinemas with multiple screening rooms and single-screen cinemas, in accordance with their sizes. Benefiting from advanced facilities, a comfortable environment and a superior audience experience, multiplex cinemas usually project the first-run of movies, especially big-budget commercial movies, while most single-screen cinemas only project small films or second runs of big movies due to their poor facilities and limited capacities. Secondly, multiplex cinemas charge much higher ticket prices compared to single-screen cinemas, even for the same film shown at the same time. Thus, when determining the dominant position in the film-projection industry, the relevant service market should be further divided into multiplex cinemas and single-screen cinemas.

Even then, a single cinema is not a player in the relevant market. The companies that own the cinema chains are the real business undertakings in the film-projection industry. As a result, it is essential to analyse the proportion of multiplex and single-screen cinemas that a business undertaking owns, for the purpose of determining the dominant position of the business undertaking more accurately.

Film-projection services are provided through cinemas at fixed locations and audiences rarely travel long distances for the sake of saving money on ticket prices. Therefore, each cinema provides its service mainly for a local audience. Moreover, the industry’s best customers are concentrated in a limited number of cities, where box office revenue varies significantly. Therefore, the relevant geographical market should be determined on a city-by-city basis, which means that determining the dominant position of a projection company needs to take into account the city where the company’s cinemas are located and the percentage of those cinemas’ box office revenues in that city.

Factor of timing
Timing plays an important role in film projection and box office revenues fluctuate widely between the peak season and slack season, which are partly in connection with the weather and holidays. Thus, the time when the film is projected is essential for the success of the film at the box office. As a result, most films prefer to be projected in the so-called movie season, such as summer and lunar new year, which enhances the market position and amplifies the bargaining power of cinemas against their trading parties, the film producers, in such seasons. Thus, when determining the dominant position of a projection company, timing is a critical factor.

Vertical integration
The return on investment of a film is uncertain. Thanks to such uncertainty, the film producers, distributors and projection companies are unable to determine the price of film rights before it reaches cinemas. Accordingly, a revenue-sharing system is used in the film industry to overcome the uncertainty, whereby the box office revenue of a film will be distributed between the film producer, the distributor and the projection company at rates that are negotiated in advance. However, the film producer or the distributor has no access to verify the box office information provided by projection companies. Therefore, to prevent projection companies from concealing actual box office and reducing transaction costs, most film producers prefer vertical mergers, through which the film producer, the distributor and the projection company become affiliates under common control. However, vertical mergers greatly raise the threshold for new entrants to the film industry, since the new entrants must compete with existing companies in both the film production market and film projection market at the same time. As such, companies that pioneered vertical mergers and projection companies with relatively dominant positions are more likely to win competitive advantage, which will increasingly enhance the market concentration of film industry. In view of this, when determining the dominant position in the film-projection industry, it is also critical to consider the impact of the industry’s vertical integration trend and to further analyse the concentration resulting from such vertical integration by assessing the difficultly for new entrants to enter both the production and projection market.

Summing up the above, when we want to determine the degree of market concentration and dominant position in the film-projection industry, we should think over the critical points discussed above based on the specialties of the film industry, in addition to traditional anti-trust analysis methodology that we always use in all other industries.











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