We’re inviting In-House Counsel in Asia, Middle-East and South Africa to nominate themselves and/or their legal team for the 2021 In-House Community Counsel of the Year Awards. The aim of the awards is to honour the counsel and legal teams that have pursued excellence in their roles, to showcase their achievements and provide inspiration to our community of 17,000 in-house counsel across Asia and Middle East, as well as those providing external counsel.
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Your nomination will be appraised by our In-House Community Counsel of the Year Committee (names to be confirmed).
The winning legal teams, and counsel within, will be able to demonstrate a majority of the following:
– Dedication: They have gone over and above the normal call of duty to deliver legal and compliance services to their corporation/organisation.
– Innovation: Established or put in place processes/systems to identify weak spots and improve and the organisation’s compliance and the legal team’s performance.
– Efficiency & Value: The legal team are able to demonstrate the value they bring to the business unit.
– Integration: The legal team has made itself an integral and valued part of the organisation at a decision making level.
– Encouragement & Improvement: The team rewards it’s members for outstanding work and provides opportunities for it’s members to learn and grow within the company.
– CSR & Diversity: The legal department, either independently or as part of corporate-wide effort practices good Corporate Social Responsibility,
If you believe you or your in-house legal team deserves to be short-listed for recognition, please fill in the nomination/submission form in the link below.
Please feel free to forward this page to others in your group if you feel appropriate or share the above link.