
Indonesia Latest Updates
Indonesia's new regulation on e-litigation
The Supreme Court aims to have e-litigation operating in all courts of first instance by early 2020.
Indonesia: Technical provisions for the implementation of anti-money laundering and prevention of terrorism financing programmes within capital market sector
Indonesia’s Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/ OJK) has issued Circular Letter No. 47/SEOJK.04/2017 ...
Indonesia: New regulation on guidelines and procedures for the implementation of investment climate development activities
The head of the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board issued Regulation No. 9 of 2017 on Guidelines and Procedures for the Implementation of Investment Climate Development Activities ...
Links between environmental destruction and corruption risk in Southeast Asia
Corporate investigators need only work in corruption and fraud cases in Southeast Asia for a short while before noticing a correlation as clear as it is unsurprising ...
INDONESIA: The risk of government force majeure under PPA
The electricity industry is known to be a complicated but important industry, where external factors that are beyond the control of the parties involved can cause problems to the progress and/or cost of the projects.
Indonesia Related News
Cryptoassets in Indonesia: Regulation Clearing Way for Trading of 229 Cryptoassets Issued
Indonesia’s Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Body (Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi or “Bappebti”) has issued the long-awaited list of cryptoassets that can be legally traded in Indonesia.
Regulations and policies to navigate business in the capital market sector amidst the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) outbreak
The Covid-19 infection cases have been growing exponentially in Indonesia since the first confirmed case on 2 March 2020 ....
Visionary External Providers of the Year 2017
Introducing the winners of this year's awards to recognise legal providers that go above and beyond in the service of their clients ...
Indonesia: Technical provisions for the implementation of anti-money laundering and prevention of terrorism financing programmes within capital market sector
Indonesia’s Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/ OJK) has issued Circular Letter No. 47/SEOJK.04/2017 ...
Indonesia: New regulation on guidelines and procedures for the implementation of investment climate development activities
The head of the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board issued Regulation No. 9 of 2017 on Guidelines and Procedures for the Implementation of Investment Climate Development Activities ...
Indonesia In-House Handbook & Directory
Indonesia Chapter (including firm directory)