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Middle East Latest Updates
Global economic weather – 11th May 2016
Asia: The economic news from Asia is currently conforming pretty much to trend, with occasional unexpected strengths, such as Japan’s industrial production last week or Australia’s exports this week ...
Global economic weather
Fed chairman Janet Yellen’s dovish comments after the Fed’s FOMC meeting persuaded the market that we can expect only two US rate hikes this year ...
Mario Draghi, Football Manager
It is sometimes said that the chief skill of a football manager is to pick to which team he should lend his magic at any one time. Much the same might be said of central bankers and their policy initiatives ...
Profits Recession? It’s M&A Time
Is the US heading for a 'profits recession', or might it already be in one? And if a profits recession is a feature of the economic landscape, how long might it last...
Dollar strength deflates world finance
Last week's update suggested that the standard explanations for the current financial volatility seem misdirected. This week's lays out the mechanics of an alternative ...
It's different this time?
It's common to hear that the most dangerous words in economics are 'it's different this time'. But 'it's just the same as last time' ...
Middle East Related News
A rapid response has been needed to control the coronavirus outbreak, but it remains to be seen how permanent the changes will be ...
A rapid response has been needed to control the coronavirus outbreak, but it remains to be seen how permanent the changes will be ...
Electronic signatures: A comparison of the electronic regulations in the GCC
The shift towards the use of digital documents has never been more timely or relevant.
The impact of Covid-19 on Mena M&A
The pandemic will undoubtedly cause lasting economic and societal changes that will affect the way that deals are conducted.
M&A in the UAE & KSA — The evolving legal landscape
The outlook for acquisition activity in the region is positive, though much will depend on the impact of Covid-19 ...
Sigrid Wettwer
We speak to the head of group legal for the Middle East & Asia Pacific at DNV GL, the world’s largest classification society, about change, technology and running a lean and efficient legal organisation ...
The Novel Coronavirus: Anatomy of key employment issues in Mainland China, Hong Kong and The Middle East
Information for employers in Mainland China, Hong Kong and the Middle East.
The Novel Coronavirus – Insurance Considerations
The Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) is likely to represent a significant exposure for the insurance market ..
Middle East In-House Handbook & Directory
Middle East Chapter (including firm directory)