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Thank you for your feedback – In-House Community Congress 2022 -Hong Kong

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Home2020‘一带一路’经贸投资法律服务坛 –企业合规及对外投资合作 In-House eCongress Shenzhen 2020

2020‘一带一路’经贸投资法律服务坛 –企业合规及对外投资合作 In-House eCongress Shenzhen 2020

Date(s) - 04 Aug 2020
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Categories No Categories

提供中英文同传服务 Presented in both English and Chinese (simultaneous translation)

第二场: 202084日周二 北京时间下午3.00-5.00


– 并购在菲律宾:机遇与发展(主讲嘉宾: Ocampo & Suralvo Law Offices合伙人Jude Ocampo律师)
– 中国企业在越南发展业务的投资机会与合规性 (主讲嘉宾:LNT & Partners合伙人Le Net博士)
– Covid-19危机期间及之后的非洲商业与法律发展和机遇 (主讲嘉宾:非洲律所联盟Lex Africa主席,Werksmans律师事务所合伙人Pieter Steyn律师)

Second session: Tuesday, 4 August 2020 at 3.00-5.00pm Beijing time

Please click the below link to register and enter the Second session:

CHINA OUTBOUND, including:

– Philippine Mergers & Acquisitions:  Opportunities and Developments (Presented by Jude Ocampo, Partner, Ocampo & Suralvo Law Offices)

– Investment Opportunities and Compliance for Chinese Companies Doing Business in Vietnam (Presented by Dr Le Net, Partner, LNT & Partners)

– African business and legal developments and opportunities during and after the Covid-19 crisis (Presented by Pieter Steyn, Director of Werksmans and Chairman of LEX Africa)

注: 本会议不对私人执业律师、非协办的调查公司和咨询公司开放。

Note: Registration for the Congress is not open to private practice lawyers and non-co-hosting due diligence companies and consultancies.     

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