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July 22, 2015
This Special Report on Anti-trust & Competition law includes Fasken Martineau DuMoulin's overview of the merger control regime under Canada's Competition Act and the foreign investment review regime under the Investment Canada Act in their article Merger control and foreign investment review in Canada, Anjie Law Firm's article entitled What in-house counsel should know about China's anti-monopoly law in the intellectual property sector, which gives history and case studies of China's anti-trust laws in relation to IP and presents the reader with China's anti-monopoly law's 'big question' and CCI rulings in the e-commerce sector: paving the pathway for a virtual marketplace - Phoenix Legal's discussion on the anti-trust aspects of online portals as ask whether this innovation has increased competition by generating more businesses or made it so that only the big boys can compete.
July 21, 2015
Dawn raids: survival tips and pre-emptive action
July 21, 2015
Business Development (BD): it’s a term that sends shivers down the spine of even the most hardened and experienced lawyer. In some cases it has even deterred people ...
July 21, 2015
Sitting in a coffee shop in downtown Sydney on a recent trip to Australia, a look around at the diversity of faces discussing business, the price of coffee (and last weekend’s ‘footie’), it was clear that Australians of Asian descent are very much part of the fabric of the country. But whilst Asia has come to Australia, is Australia investing in Asia, and are Australian businesses taking full advantage of their geographical proximity to either the region’s mature or fast-emerging markets?
July 21, 2015
As well as laying out the ASEAN Economic Community’s goals, Azman Jaafar of RHTLaw Taylor Wessing notes why he expects to see major improvements to the entire ASEAN region, not just to the richer jurisdictions, but to all 10 involved. He points out ASEAN’s strengths, such as its diversity, and notes the many factors that could make the AEC dominant. As he states, “The myriad of opportunities that will present themselves in the region is endless”.
July 21, 2015
In the previous issue, we compared illegal per se and the rule of reason, and pointed out that cases where illegal per se applies turn out to be favourable to the enforcement agencies and the plaintiff in ...
July 21, 2015
There is a compelling need to develop sustainable and technology-driven urban centres, partly as the burgeoning urban population is creating pressure on existing cities and partly to address the growing ...
July 21, 2015
E-signatures in Indonesia are regulated by Law No. 11 of 2008 regarding electronic information and transactions (Law No. 11/2008) and Government Regulation No. 82 of 2012 regarding the implementation ...
July 21, 2015
Netting arrangements refer to the settlement of obligations between two parties that processes the combined value of transactions. It is designed to lower the number of transactions ...
July 21, 2015
Under the previous version of the Commercial Building Lease Protection Act (the Act), a commercial tenant could lose the value of its ‘leasehold premium’ (kwon-ri-gum in Korean), which is the monetary ...
July 21, 2015
Educational establishments work hard to build reputations as trusted and leading education providers within local communities and globally. Investing in trademark protection can ensure that exclusive ...
July 21, 2015
On November 26, 2014 the National Assembly of Vietnam adopted a new law on investment (2014 Investment Law) which will take effect on July 1, 2015 and replace the current ...
July 20, 2015
Law firm Clyde & Co recently published its second Middle East Deal Study. Based on the firm's analysis of data from M&A and JV transactions on which they worked in the region over the last 18 ...
July 20, 2015
July 20, 2015
King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) is now officially open for business in Singapore, with the firm’s new office opening in the Ocean Financial Centre …