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November 19, 2014
In the context of family businesses, a number of which are run by a single person, ignoring the ramifications of, and failing to plan for change could put the future of the family business in jeopardy in the …
November 19, 2014
Vietnam has been ranked 15th for Internet users internationally, however only 20 percent of those users in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City use the internet for online shopping1. The Vietnam E-Commerce and …
November 5, 2014
In the first of a series of articles, ASIAN-MENA COUNSEL looks at silo-busting within both law firms and corporations. It is a well-known fact that operating in cell-like structures or silos can stymie cohesive thought and can lead to territorial behaviour. To combat this sense of isolation, knowledge-sharing expert Bill Proudfit1 discusses the importance of the ‘Bohm Dialogue’ as a possible solution to enhancing productivity and building relationships in the workplace. Here we take a look at how knowledge sharing and the ‘Bohm Dialogue’ can break down barriers and encourage frank exchanges in (legal) organisations.
November 5, 2014
ASIAN-MENA COUNSEL spoke to former General Counsel for an Australian University, Sascha Hindmarch, about her recent transition back into private practice with US/UK boutique law firm Hausfeld & Co LLP. Here, Sascha tells us about the factors that triggered her decision to move back to private practice, some of the perceived barriers to entry as well as the challenges she has encountered along the way.
October 14, 2014
Indonesia’s Agrarian Law provides that foreigners can only acquire right to use (hak pakai) title for land if they reside in Indonesia. If foreign investors wish to engage in …
October 14, 2014
South Asian markets are one of the fastest growing markets for vehicle manufacturers worldwide. However, doing business in South Asia has its own challenges. The anti-monopoly watchdog of India …
October 14, 2014
In June 2014, the Malaysian Industrial Court, in a landmark decision, ruled on the issue of a hotel employee’s salary structure. …
October 14, 2014
As Qatar’s business sector continues to mobilise itself to achieve the goals of Qatar’s 2030 Vision and in particular to prepare for FIFA …
October 14, 2014
Since August 2011, the KSA Ministry of Labour has embarked on an ambitious program to create jobs for KSA nationals. Nitiqat is now well known amongst KSA employers who …
October 14, 2014
Parallel importing occurs when a third party imports genuine goods to Korea without the express permission of the sole/exclusive importer of the goods. …
October 14, 2014
With its oil wealth and strong demand for all manner of industrial and consumer goods, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is an attractive …
October 14, 2014
Under the Vietnamese regulations of Internet service and online information, social network is defined as an information system that provides its users with such …