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October 8, 2013
Following the implementation of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) by the United States government in 2010, financial institutions around the world will be obliged to disclose any US citizen account holders’ names, addresses…
October 8, 2013
This is the first of the monthly projects and construction briefings which Clyde & Co aims to publish on the legal and regulatory framework,…
October 8, 2013
In this month’s mining briefing we consider the obligations upon mining companies to pay royalties to the Government of Tanzania (the GOT),…
October 8, 2013
As private talks continue between IOCs already operating in Tanzania and the government surrounding the development of recent major gas finds…
September 19, 2013
Earlier this year, the Ministry of Labour (MoL) in Saudi Arabia (KSA) launched a series of surprise labour inspections designed to root out …
September 17, 2013
This month’s Tanzania update is a fact sheet recapping on the types of security available for different asset classes when taking security over corporate borrowers, with a more detailed focus on debentures and mortgages.
September 16, 2013
To provide guidance to Vietnam’s commitments made upon its accession to the WTO on market openings, the Government …
September 16, 2013
Across the Middle East, it is apparent that increasingly streamlined and sophisticated corporate legal regimes are being implemented by …
September 16, 2013
On September 16th, 2012, the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) initiated a new procedure called Inter Partes Review or …
September 16, 2013
Indonesia’s Minister of Trade has issued a new regulation that specifically governs the importation of, among other items, cellular telephones …
September 16, 2013
Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) established pursuant to Law No.(5) of 2002 as amended (the Companies Law) are the most …
September 13, 2013
Welcome to our landmark 7th annual Representing Corporate Asia & Middle East Survey Special Report, which includes the In-House Community's picks for Firms of the Year, 2013. The Survey, which remains the largest and most objective of its kind, contains the views of in-house counsel as they weigh in on, amongst other things, the areas of most concern to them in fulfilling their role in their own jurisdiction, how they hire in-house counsel, and the factors which most influence their selection of external counsel. In addition, you will find a full rundown of the firms, (broken down by jurisdiction and sector) which have made the strongest and most positive impressions on the In-House Community in Asia and the Middle East over the past 12 months.