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July 8, 2013
Pàdraig Walsh of Clyde & Co examines the developing law in relation to shareholder access to company records and sets out some pitfalls that in-house counsel should be cognizant of.
July 8, 2013
“And the pump don’t work ‘cos the vandals took the handle’ – Innovation and Legal Services (Part 1)
July 8, 2013
Best practice for anti-corruption reviews in merger & acquisition transactions

July 8, 2013
In this edition, we present you with an overview of the issues relating to anti-trust and competition law in the region. Under the microscope are the implications of pending legislation in Hong Kong, the impact of Competition law on consumer confidence in the Indian market, and the great strides taken by the Japanese economy following the earthquake, in the context of merger review rules.
July 8, 2013
v9i7 Magazine
July 8, 2013
Corporate Law – what is it good for?

July 8, 2013
CEOs and General Counsel share a sympatico that is hard to define. The role of in-house counsel has evolved to the extent that they have crossed over from being mere legal advisors to becoming definitive confidantes. Dispensing legal advice in prescription form won’t win you the brownie points you need to succeed in such competitive environments, explains Caroline Lim of DHR International. You’ll need “courageous integrity” to go the distance with your CEO.
July 8, 2013
Handling government competition investigations: an in-house primer

July 8, 2013
Anna-Marie Slot of White & Case guides us through some of the thornier compliance and regulatory issues that vex in-house counsel.
July 8, 2013
July 8, 2013
Unique to Vietnam, geographical indications (GI’s) provide a means by which locals and overseas applicants can protect their products. Hoai Nguyen and Stanislas Barro of Rouse Legal take us through some of the benefits and drawbacks of registration and explain why change is on the cards.
July 8, 2013
Taking a holistic view before claiming ‘fraud’

July 8, 2013
July 8, 2013
Last year’s strong M&A activity in Asia has continued in the first half of 2011. In our Special Report, senior lawyers practising in the field share their insights into the factors driving activity, from Asia’s thirst for overseas acquisitions to foreign companies trying to gain a foothold in emerging markets. Find out why Japan’s March 11 earthquake and tsunami could stimulate outbound investment, and how the UAE’s distinct business culture can present challenges for the unwary investor. Features articles contributed by Hogan Lovells, K&L Gates, Melli Darsa & Co, Phoenix Legal, Tilleke & Gibbins, DFDL Mekong and Indochine Counsel.
July 8, 2013
While conventional financial transactions in the West are in turmoil, there is a refreshing burst of optimism in the world of Islamic finance, according to Arti Sangar, partner in charge of Diaz Reus & Targ’s Dubai office. She takes a look at the challenges in an evolving sector.